Kontur is a studio specialized in the

Art of Dialogue

We understand the Art of Hosting meaningful conversations and holding space for collective action, where democracy and transition come alive.

In our small but excellent office in Heidelberg we find individual and personal solutions for all clients.

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Leistung - VisualFacilitation


[lat. facilitare: “to simplify”]

Kontur designs workshops and meetings to support groups and organizations in reaching their goals in a healthy, collaborative environment. We draw from a varied treasure trove of methods and like to incorporate some visual extras into traditional moderation skills.

For Teams, Team Meetings, Strategy Meetings, Conferences and Seminars

Leistung - GraphicRecording


[aka. visual recording, live scribing]

Graphic Recording is the craft of drawing live in order to visually record ideas, lectures and talks. This helps to remember their essence more deeply and opens up a way to reflect and discuss. In addition it creates an eye-catching documentation.

For Conferences, Events, Consultancy and Processes of Participation

Leistung - Illustration


[lat. illustrare: “to illuminate”]

With brushes and pencils, vivid and colorful illustrations are brought to life in our studio. Moreover, we use Visual Storytelling to explain complex stories in an easy way. This results not only in expressive illustration, but also in info-graphics, explanatory posters, presentations and booklets.

For Authors, Coaches, Therapists and Everyone, that can appreciate a painting well done.

our works’


Leistung - Art Of Hosting

Art of Hosting

The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to address complex challenges. In full lenght it reads the Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations that matter and offers a wide framework for anyone interested in participatory leadershop.

For everyone interested in the foundations of our work.

Generative Scribing

Generative Scribing is a phrase coined by the artist and internationally recognized visual practitioner Kelvy Bird. Scribes listen and draw simultaneously attending to the field of energy and relation between people, and to the emerging potential of a system. It’s also been called the Social Art of the 21st Century.

For artists, facilitators, coaches and organisers and for anyone who cares about how we exist together as humans.


Permaculture is a whole systems design approach based on principles and three ethics being Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. Originally applied in the field of agriculture, it is now widely used to design living systems, be it a garden, an organisation or your own inner landscape.

For everyone who wants to learn from nature and co-create truly sustainable systems.